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Integrity Shows
Hints and Clues

Integrity Shows produces several art fairs throughout the year. Click on the logo below to learn more. 

Integrity Shows produced high quality boutique art fairs with specific themes and goals.  All of our shows are juried, though the criteria varies from event to event.  The following information is aimed at people that are relatively new to art fairs and some may find it basic.  We have attempted to add headings and BOLD passages so you can choose the sections relevant to your needs.


Artists must apply to our shows by the stated deadline to be considered for participation.  There is an application fee which helps to cover some of the costs of the selection process.  Each show has an artists committee who review and score every application.  Those that are invited may then purchase a booth.  The jury process is private to assure that the jurors can be frank and open with their opinions.  Artists may request that we share the comments and suggestions following the jury completions.

There are three likely outcomes from the jury: an invitation to participation; a note saying that you were not selected; or we also select some artists for the wait list.   Wait listed artists are of the quality that we would like to present but we are unable to include them unless space opens up.  We keep our shows small to assure everyone of a good opportunity for success.  We also limit the number of artists in each category to assure that there is diversity of mediums and styles.

Those on the wait list are the first to be invited should a space in their medium open up.  Sometimes we are able to clear an artist to participate right away because one of the accepted artists is unable to commit.  Other times an artist may fall ill close to the show opening a space for a wait listed artist.  Since the wait list is by medium, and we only place a very few artists on the list, there is no way to know when or if an artist will be invited, though it is always our goal to include as many wait listed artists as practical.


We publish our applications and deadlines each year in late September or October.   Check each show for specific dates.

Application deadlines are generally about 90 days prior to the show.

Results are sent within one week of the deadline. 

Payment is due within 30 days of the results.  Anyone paying prior to that deadline will be given a full refund if requested.

Cancellations after the payment deadline will result in penalties.  Why? Wait list artists may have made other commitments. If we are able to replace an artist it will likely not be with an artist of the same quality, therefore we often leave an open booth rather than accept a lower quality artist. There are three tiers.  Cancel by payment deadline- full refund.  Cancel about 6 weeks out- pay a 25% penalty OR we have your booth fee applied to the next year. Cancel up to 3 weeks out and you either pay a 50% penalty OR we have your booth fee applied to the next year. Within three weeks of a show there are no refunds or credits unless there are extraordinary circumstances.  During COVID all artists were given the choice of refund or leaving their fees for the next year.  Check each shows information for specific dates. 


While each of our shows has it's own committee and rules, the following are always a part of the decision process: - 

Creativity- what makes your art stand out from others.

Craftsmanship- does your art appear to be well made.

Variety-  we strive for a variety of mediums and styles and techniques within each medium.

Naturally these are all subjective.  Here are some areas where artists can gain or lose points-

1) Exclusivity.  We believe that people buy art not only because they love it, but also because they want something unique.  Therefore originals  and one of a kind work is rated highest.  Limited edition signed work is a close second.  Open edition work- such as photos that are not signed or numbered are less desirable to collectors and therefore less likely to be included.   If you sell a design to Target for manufacturing and inclusion at their stores that's fabulous, but please don't bring that same item to sell at the show.

2) Individualizing Artists  We want art that shows an individuals skill and technique. Many great museum pieces are group endeavors led by a master.  Those items would be less welcome at our shows.  We believe that patrons go to museums to see work. they come to our show to meet artists and to buy art. We understand imported work manufactured art and studio teams can create wonderful things.  That does not mean that our patrons are coming to the fair looking for those items.


3) Involvement. The more that an artist is involved in the process, the higher we rate it.  Using jewelry as an example, some of our participating jewelers make all of their own beads, chains and fittings.   Others may make some of their own beads, wire wrap or otherwise personalize work that also includes manufactured items (fittings, chains and so forth).  Other applicants carefully select and string beautiful beads and other elements that they purchase.  While the resulting jewelry may be stunning and beautiful, these artists would be less likely to be included.

4) Variety- in order to present an interesting diverse show we include a limited selection in each medium. For example, we have far more applicants in jewelry than any other medium, so need to be especially particular.  Within each medium we also look for a range of styles and techniques.

5) Appropriateness-  Is the art something that patrons would expect to find at a juried art fair?  Items like imprinted shirts, candles and soaps may fit all of the other criteria but still not be accepted.  

© Integrity Shows, Inc. 1990...2025 .                        | Integrity Shows - Po Box 21667, Detroit, MI 48221

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